1. Controls on radioactive sources - GOV.UK
Find out which radioactive sources you need a licence to export and how to apply for one.

2. Regulatory framework for control of radiation sources | IAEA
Protecting people and the environment from any risks of radiation requires a legislative framework and a national regulatory infrastructure for the control ...
Protecting people and the environment from any risks of radiation requires a legislative framework and a national regulatory infrastructure for the control of radiation sources. The IAEA’s Safety Standards, Code of Conduct and guidance documents provide the international requirements and recommendations for such a regulatory system.
3. Radiation Exposure Protection
Radiation workers can control and limit their exposure to penetrating radiation by taking advantage of time, distance, and shielding.
External exposure is radiation that comes from somewhere outside the body and interacts with us. The source of radiation can be a piece of equipment that produces the radiation, like an x-ray machine, or it can be from radioactive materials in a container. The amount of external radiation exposure received is related to the distance from the source, the energy of the emitted radiation, the total amount of radioactive material present or the machine setting, and the time of exposure. Radiation workers can control and limit their exposure to penetrating radiation by taking advantage of time, distance, and shielding.
4. Safety Controls - NDE-Ed.org
The two basic types of radiation safety controls used to provide a safe working environment are engineered and administrative controls. Engineered controls ...
This page discusses control that are used to ensure safety around high radiation sources.
5. Inspection and controls - radioactivity.eu.com
This activation phenomenon is used to control precisely the layers of metallic coatings in the production of special steels such as galvanized steel.
Gamma ray sources and detectors are regularly used to assess the wear of certain parts or to reveal leaks.

6. [PDF] Radiological Control - DOE Technical Standards
DOE has established regulatory requirements for occupational radiation protection in Title 10 of the Code of Federal. Regulations, Part 835 (10 CFR 835), ...
7. [PDF] Radiological Controls/ALARA Examples
A radiological buffer area is established at the HCA boundary to control the spread of contamination as a result of personnel entry/exit and material transfers.
8. [PDF] Security of Radioactive Sources
A dynamic and effective security culture should exist at all levels of operator staff and management. This publication has been superseded by IAEA Nuclear ...
9. Reglementations and controls - radioactivity.eu.com
In addition to the controls surrounding nuclear industry, there are numerous regulatory bodies that monitor the ionising rays emitted by various medical ...
Reglementations and controls - Article - QUESTION OF DOSES, Radioprotection - radioactivity.eu.com

10. Handling Radioactive Materials Safely - Princeton EHS
Personal Protective Clothing · Food & Beverages · Security · Signs & Labels · Setting Up a Radioactive Materials Work Area · Good Laboratory Practices ...
Personal Protective Clothing Food & Beverages Security Signs & Labels Setting Up a Radioactive Materials Work Area Good Laboratory Practices Microcentrifuge Use Fume Hoods & Biosafety Cabinets Personal Protective Clothing Required PPE: For any work with an open radioactive source, wear: disposable gloves (latex or nitrile gloves are generally suita
11. Radiation Control - SAHPRA
Radiation Control regulates all activities involving electronic generators of ionising radiation as well as radioactive sources used outside the nuclear fuel ...
Radiation Control Inspectorate is mandated by Hazardous Substances Act No 15 of 1973 to inspect Group I, II, III and IV hazardous substances.
12. [PDF] Radiation Safety Radiological Controls Program Purpose
Engineering. Controls. The installed equipment such as glove bags, fume hoods, other ventilators, etc. used to control the concentration of radioactive material ...
13. [DOC] Radiological Protection - Office for Nuclear Regulation
3 expects, where appropriate, areas to be further divided, with associated controls, to restrict exposure and prevent the spread of radioactive contamination.
14. Radiation Control - MN Dept. of Health
16 mrt 2023 · Radiation Control · Environmental Radiation Monitoring · Monitoring program for radioactivity around the two nuclear generating power plants in ...
15. Managing radiation in NSW
13 nov 2024 · ... Radiation Control Act 1990 and Radiation Control Regulation 2013). ... dose and risk limitation by setting dose limits or imposing other ...
Radiation is used widely in healthcare, research and commercial activities. NSW radiation laws aim to protect people and the environment by minimising harmful radiation exposure, while enabling the beneficial use of radiation.
16. Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Waste - World Nuclear Association
30 apr 2024 · ... radioactive waste is typically sent to land-based disposal immediately following its packaging. Many long-term waste management options have ...
Most low-level radioactive waste is typically sent to land-based disposal immediately following its packaging. Many long-term waste management options have been investigated worldwide which seek to provide publicly acceptable, safe, and environmentally sound solutions to the management of intermediate-level waste and high-level radioactive waste.
17. [PDF] RADIATION CONTROL GUIDE - University of Florida
Maintain control over radioactive material and maintain adequate inventory and utilization records. Perform weekly contamination surveys when radionuclides are.
18. Radiation Control Division - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
13 aug 2024 · Methods of radiation protection include: public education, regulation, compliance assistance, licensing, registration and inspection of ...
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19. Protective Actions and Protective Action Guides
When radiation control options are not available, or, due to the magnitude of the incident, are not sufficient, doses to emergency workers above 5 rem (50 mSv) ...
You are here: Home > Protective Actions and Protective Action Guides
20. Radioactive substances management: generic developed ...
2 mei 2024 · how, during development, a range of appropriate options will be considered, documented and the chosen options substantiated; how and when BAT ...