A/B Testing Allows You To Maximize Your Profit on Amazon (2024)

As Amazon has become more competitive, refining your content for your ideal customers is vital to maximizing conversions and ad performance.

Amazon advertising adoption rates have continued to rise, especially with the limitation of targeting capabilities off Amazon’s platform for Google and Meta.

This overall increase in ad spend on Amazon has made it so that you must have a more thorough marketing plan and converting content to be successful on the platform.

A/B testing is one way to ensure you can hold your organic rankings and current ad performance on Amazon. It also allows you to adjust your content to rank for your most important keyword terms more easily and make incremental improvements to your advertising returns.

Since SEO on Amazon is primarily based on conversions, small changes that increase conversion for your most important keywords can significantly impact your ability to capture organic traffic and sales.

We have seen that changing the word order in a title can decrease Total Advertising Cost of Sale (TACOS) and increase the percentage of items attributed to organic sales.

We have also seen that these changes can change how a listing converts for important keyword phrases.

Additionally, A/B testing provides insights into what is important to your customers, which can also help as you develop product extensions for your brand.

Why A/B Testing Is Important

On Amazon, most of the product detail page conversion rate optimization (CRO) is handled for you. However, your primary image and title are pivotal in both ad performance and generating organic traffic.

This is because these two elements are creative for most ROI-focused ad campaigns on the platform.

They are the only part of your listing that customers see from the Amazon search engine result pages (SERPs).

A/B Testing Allows You To Maximize Your Profit on Amazon (1)Screenshot from Bebly, July 2023

Small changes to the order or the phasing of a title can greatly impact how your ads perform, allowing you to rank for competitive but highly relevant keywords.

If your brand does not have a lot of existing branded searches, it is especially important to use an exact match of your most relevant keywords in the title whenever possible.

If you have more existing branded search, focus on ensuring that the product and its key features are easily identifiable even when the title is truncated.

Changes to the title, bullets, and A+ content within your listing can significantly impact how well your product is indexed by Amazon’s search algorithm.

Therefore, A/B testing allows you to experiment with different content variations, emphasis, and use cases, and identify what resonates best with your target customers.

When Should You Consider An A/B Test

Low Click-Through Rate (CTR)

A low click-through rate (CTR) on ads often indicates issues with your title or primary image, assuming that target keywords are relevant. Optimizing these elements can help attract more clicks and increase ad performance.

Weak Conversion Rate (USP)

A low conversion rate or a weak Unit Session Percentage (USP) across your entire listing can be a result of suboptimal titles, images, secondary images, or bullet points.

It is crucial to ensure that your listing provides all the necessary purchase information and aligns with your customers’ search keywords.

Testing Pricing

Price elasticity should be considered as well. Assess if there are similar offers priced significantly higher or lower than yours; your pricing may be deterring potential buyers.

Be sure to look at what similar products are running on your listing. If you see a product that is very close to the same quality as yours at a much higher or lower price, check the data in Brand Analytics and see if those competitors are out-converting you for similar keywords.

If you have already addressed any potential content issues in your copy and images, now would be the time to see if testing pricing could help your overall sales performance.

How To A/B Test On Amazon

Manage My Experiments

Utilize the “Manage My Experiments” feature whenever possible, as it ensures clean and reliable data while minimizing external factors.

The winning test variant can be automatically implemented on your listing, streamlining the process. Keep in mind that statistically significant results require a sufficient volume of traffic and conversions.

With Manage My Experiments, you can test the following:

  • Title.
  • Main Image.
  • Bullet Points.
  • A+ Content.
  • Product Description.

A/B Testing Allows You To Maximize Your Profit on Amazon (2)Screenshot from Amazon Seller Central, July 2023

Not all products and not all sellers are eligible to use Manage My Experiments (MME).

Here are some of the requirements of the program:

  • Only registered brand owners are allowed to run experiments with MME.
  • ASIN must have significant traffic, as determined by Amazon.
  • Only one ASIN is allowed to be tested at a time.

ASINs that Amazon determines donot have enough traffic will not show as eligible for testing. The only way to make ASIN eligible is to drive additional traffic, such as with advertising.

A/B Testing Allows You To Maximize Your Profit on Amazon (3)Screenshot from Amazon Seller Central, July 2023

When you create your test, you can choose between a set duration – or for “To Significance,” Amazon recommends that you run to significance.

For the set durations, your testing options are 4, 6, 8, or 10 weeks. You can also set the test to publish the winning creative automatically.

Other Testing Options

Manual testing can be done by comparing Detail Sales and Traffic Report data.

Simply make the creative changes through Seller Central for a specific period of time (I recommend at least three weeks with each creative option) and compare the traffic and conversion data for each period.

The product’s conversion rate on Amazon is found in the Detailed Sales and Traffic report under the heading Unit Session Percentage.

A/B Testing Best Practices For Amazon

To make the most of your A/B testing efforts on Amazon, it is essential to follow these best practices:

Test One Variable at A Time

To have clear results, it is important you only test one variable at a time. To a degree, using Manage My Experiments helps with this.

However, especially if you are not using Manage My Experiments, limit big changes to advertising spend and strategy during your testing.
Start with more significant changes and then fine-tune. Experiment with substantial modifications to gauge their impact, and gradually refine the details based on your gathered data-driven insights.

Consider Important Shopping Dates

Some dates tend to impact customer buying behaviors.

This is an extreme example, but testing the week of Thanksgiving will not give you the best results, as buyers don’t buy with the same consideration and velocity during this period.

This is also especially important if you run manual tests outside Manage My Experiments.

If someone were to run a test in November with the first creative in the first two weeks and the second creative in the last two weeks, the results would artificially point to the second option because of increased buying in general for most products the week of Thanksgiving.

Consider Outside Variables

Outside influences like blogs or social media mentions can also impact manual tests. Consider running tests for longer durations or repeating them to validate the results.

You might also want to watch for any social mentions or increased traffic on your website to identify if a blog or other mention could have caused an increase in your branded traffic.

Third-party tools like Semrush’s free A/B testing tool can also be helpful but ensure the listing changes take effect to obtain accurate results.

Amazon Handles The Page CRO – Continue To Refine Your Content

Focus on content testing, as Amazon already handles most of the page conversion rate optimization. Refining the content can better align it with your target customers’ preferences.

A/B testing plays a pivotal role in maximizing your Amazon ad performance.

By leveraging this practice, businesses can identify areas for improvement in their listings, optimize content based on customer preferences, and stay competitive in the marketplace.

Utilizing the flags for testing and employing best practices, you can make data-driven decisions and effectively target your ideal customers, resulting in improved conversions and enhanced ad performance on Amazon’s platform.

More resources:

  • Amazon SEO: A Comprehensive Guide For Sellers
  • Ecommerce Marketing: The Definitive Guide

Featured Image: emojoez/Shutterstock

Category SEO Ecommerce

A/B Testing Allows You To Maximize Your Profit on Amazon (2024)


A/B Testing Allows You To Maximize Your Profit on Amazon? ›

On Amazon, A/B testing allows you to optimize your Amazon listings through images, pricing, title, description, product feature and product content. Those are the factors that could affect your Amazon conversion rate.

What is a B testing in Amazon? ›

During an A/B test, customers that view your product listing are randomly split into two groups—one that sees one version of the content (Version A), and a second group that sees the other (Version B).

What does a B testing allow you to do? ›

A/B testing allows individuals, teams and companies to make careful changes to their user experiences while collecting data on the impact it makes. This allows them to construct hypotheses and to learn what elements and optimizations of their experiences impact user behavior the most.

What are the benefits of a B testing? ›

  • Revenue growth. Through A/B testing, businesses can identify which variations of their web pages, new product features, or even ad campaigns lead to higher revenue numbers. ...
  • Risk management. ...
  • Innovation. ...
  • Improved user experience. ...
  • Better content engagement. ...
  • Enhanced marketing ROI. ...
  • Deeper audience insights.
Apr 1, 2024

How to increase profits on Amazon? ›

Expand Your Reach

The most obvious, and probably most effective, way to get more sales on Amazon is to just reach more people, and reaching more people means showing up on more keywords. This can be done by adding new keywords to your old campaigns or setting up new campaigns from scratch.

What is the B test? ›

A/B testing definition

A/B testing—also called split testing or bucket testing—compares the performance of two versions of content to see which one appeals more to visitors/viewers. It tests a control (A) version against a variant (B) version to measure which one is most successful based on your key metrics.

What is an example of a B testing? ›

What is A/B testing? A/B testing is a controlled experiment in which you run two different product or website versions simultaneously and see which one performs better. For example, you might run your current sales page against a new version with a section that addresses objections.

Is a B testing worth it? ›

For one thing, it doesn't cost a lot of time or money to find out whether customers/users prefer A or B. However, while it can make the product process look great on paper, efficient and repeatable processes like A/B testing can end up improving the product in almost every way except actually addressing customer needs.

What is the main reason to use an A B test? ›

A/B testing is the simplest and most effective means to determine the best content to convert visits into sign-ups and purchases. Knowing what works and what doesn't helps convert more leads.

What are the possible outcomes of an A/B test? ›

It's a lot like a jury trial, where the two possible outcomes are “guilty” or “not guilty” — and “not guilty” is very different from “innocent.” Likewise, this (frequentist) approach to A/B testing does not allow us to make the conclusion that there is no effect — we never conclude the coin is fair, or that the new ...

What is the role of AB testing? ›

1 A/B Testing Analyst

They use tools like Google Analytics, Optimizely, or VWO to set up experiments, track metrics, and report on the results. They also collaborate with other teams, such as marketing, product, design, or engineering, to provide insights and recommendations based on the data.

What is a B testing for dummies? ›

A/B testing works by randomly showing two versions of the same asset (ad, website, pop-up, offer, etc.) to different users. The random part is important because this provides more accurate information without skewing the results. One version is the “control” group, or the version already in use.

What is not a benefit that can be achieved through a B testing? ›

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of A / B testing? Here's the best way to solve it. The answer is Building community.

How to increase income on Amazon? ›

These options make it easier than ever to engage with Amazon customers and monetize your content.
  1. Build your storefront. Customize your page on Amazon with a personalized URL.
  2. Create. Create content and recommend products to your audience.
  3. Earn. Our competitive conversion rates help maximize earnings.

What is Amazon's biggest source of profit? ›

Key Takeaways
  • Amazon makes money through retail, subscriptions, and web services, among other channels.
  • Retail remains Amazon's primary source of revenue, with online and physical stores together accounting for the biggest share.
Jun 11, 2024

Can you really make a lot of money on Amazon? ›

Selling on Amazon can be a very lucrative business for many — more than the average side hustle. 19% of Amazon sellers surpass $10,000 in average monthly sales. 30% of Amazon sellers report sales above $5,000/month. 31% of sellers make under $500/month in sales when first starting out.

What is a B testing in AWS? ›

A/B testing or canary deployments technique allow developers to experiment with two or more variants of a web page. Page Content. Overview Architectural decisions Common use cases using Edge server-side A/B testing Resources.

How many A/B tests does Amazon run? ›

To help answer that question, it makes $en$e to look at some of the world's most successful and progressive experimentation teams. Amazon is one such name that comes to mind. The eCommerce giant is also an experimentation goliath. In fact, Amazon is said to run over 12,000 experiments a year!

What is A+ content on Amazon? ›

A+ Content (formerly Enhanced Brand Content or EBC) is a tool that Amazon sellers with registered brands can use to enhance product detail pages with imagery, videos, rich text, comparison charts, and more.

What is a B user testing? ›

A/B testing, sometimes known as split testing, is a randomized process of presenting users with two different versions of a website—an A or a B version to observe which one performs better. Key metrics are then measured to see if variation 'A' or 'B' is statistically better at increasing business KPIs.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.