How to speak with potential investors - Rising Innovator (2024)

Maya Spikes

Many new business and startups need a little (or more than a little) help while getting started, especially when it comes to money. That’s how an investor or a small group of investors can help your business.

But how do you speak with potential investors? Here are four tips to help you persuade a potential investor to invest in your business.

1. Skip the small talk.

What should you discuss after saying “hi” and briefly introducing yourself? Avoid talking about the latest viral video, your favorite food, the weather, and other random topics.Instead, get into the main reasons for your conversation.

Most investors want to know about your business and why it’s great.They also want to know how your business will help them. In other words, they want to know what kind of return will they get for their investment in your business?

Will they make money? Can partnering with your business connect an investor with a new market or new group of potential customers for their own business?

Focus on giving your potential investor useful information about your product or service.

2. Know your market.

Is there a large market opportunity for your business? If you don’t know the answer to this question, find out as soon as possible, especially before you speak with potential investors.

You can start with basic Google searches for current businesses that are similar to yours. From there, check out the online/social media presence for these businesses.

If you already know people in your business’ industry, reach out to them to discuss the industry’s current trends and predictions about its future.

3. Be honest.

You probably don’t plan to lie to potential investors, or anyone else. Still, be sure to avoid overselling your product or service.

Your business helps a certain group of people meet an important need or want, and you should make this clear to potential investors.Just don’t exaggerate the results your business provides.

Also, be very knowledgeable about your business and its market. But it’s okay to say “I don’t know, but I will get back to you,” if you honestly don’t know or aren’t completely sure about an answer to a potential investor’s question.

4. Do your homework.

You can’t predict every single question you will ever get about your business. But that’s no excuse to not be as prepared as possible while getting ready to speak with potential investors.

For example, you could rehearse a possible conversation with a friend or family member who acts as a potential investor and asks you questions. You could also show them your business plan.

Final Thoughts on How to Speak with Potential Investors

Many investors will have no problem saying no, and you should be prepared to hear it so don’t get discouraged if you get turned down by a potential investor. Instead, listen to their responses. Then use that feedback to strengthen your business’ story and your pitch.

Also, use these tips:

  1. Forget using small talk.
  2. Know your market.
  3. Be honest.
  4. Do your homework.

Following these tips will help you boost your chances of getting a “yes” from a potential investor.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

How to speak with potential investors - Rising Innovator (2024)


How to speak with potential investors - Rising Innovator? ›

Skip the small talk.

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You should start the conversation by talking about how you know the person who made the introduction, including why the person thought you and the investor should meet. You want to demonstrate that you've done your homework by displaying knowledge of the investor's past projects. The next step is to present your pitch.

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Craft a Clear, Concise Pitch

When speaking with potential investors, you need to make every second count. Chances are, you're one of many entrepreneurs approaching them with proposals, so prepare a short pitch that clearly communicates your idea, its value, and why you need funding.

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Give a Detailed Introduction

As they say, 'first impression is the last impression. ' You need to make sure that you do not miss any vital details while presenting your idea. Your pitch should clarify how your idea differs from others and why an investor should put his/her money into your business.

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Introduce yourself and your startup: Briefly explain your company's vision and mission, expressing interest in learning from their experience with the investor. Build rapport: Engage in a conversation with the founder to establish trust and common ground before requesting an introduction.

What not to say to a potential investor? ›

How to Talk to Potential Investors: 10 Things You Should Never...
  • “We have no competition.” ...
  • “We want you to sign an NDA before we give you information about our business.” ...
  • “We have a great idea and we want funding to develop it.” ...
  • “We started the business as an LLC and we want you to invest in that.”

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How To Attract Investors?
  1. Develop a Strong Business Plan.
  2. Avoid Herd Mentality.
  3. Ask For Advice.
  4. Social Media.
  5. Conduct Market Research.
  6. Scalability.
  7. Obtain Customer References.
  8. Be Realistic With Your Pitch:

How do you pitch a potential investor? ›

A good pitch deck might contain slides that explain:
  1. Your value proposition - A short overview of what your business provides to customers.
  2. What problem you're solving.
  3. Your ideal customer and target market.
  4. Your business model and plan.
  5. Any existing sales and customers.
  6. Your marketing strategy.
  7. Your team.

What an investor wants to hear? ›

So they're going to want to know exactly why you need the cash and exactly what you plan to do with it. They'll also want to know when they can expect a return; that should be a part of your business plan. Investors will also be looking for an exit strategy, and you need to think about that in advance.

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How To Approach An Investor If You're Doing It For The First Time
  1. Find the events or communities where no one is pitching. ...
  2. Know your prospects as if they were close relatives. ...
  3. Create FOMO around your industry. ...
  4. Mention your business — but no money talk. ...
  5. Connect online and always stay in touch. ...
  6. What do you get at the end?
Nov 9, 2023

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15 Ways Startup Founders Can Attract Investors
  1. Increase Traction. ...
  2. Achieve Target Outcomes. ...
  3. Be Clear About Financial Goals. ...
  4. Demonstrate Your Company's Value. ...
  5. Know Your Market And Your Team. ...
  6. Present A Solid Business Plan With A Strong ROI Forecast. ...
  7. Discuss The Trajectory Of Your Company.
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Instead of saying they are bullish on the market, investors may say they are long on the market. Similarly on the downside, investors may say they are short on the market instead of using the term bearish. Either term is acceptable when describing your market sentiment.

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Networking events such as startup award shows, meet and greets, or Angel investing events are great spaces to showcase your work and build connections. These events are also pitched meetings on their own.

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Best Practices for Requesting Warm Intros From Your Investors
  1. Identify Your Targets on LinkedIn: Ensure you are connected to your investor. Click on their "connections" list. ...
  2. Create a Target List: Compile a concise list of no more than 20 targets connected to your investor. ...
  3. Prepare the Forwardable Emails.
Jan 4, 2024

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How to Run an Awesome 1st Investor Meeting
  • KNOW YOUR GOAL. First, the obvious. ...
  • PREPARE, PREPARE, PREPARE. You know where I stand - chance favors prepared minds. ...
  • Three 🔑 POINTS. ...
Dec 11, 2023

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Reach out to your existing network, including colleagues, friends, and family, and ask if they know any investors who might be interested in your venture. Personal recommendations can go a long way in establishing trust and credibility. Remember, networking with investors is an ongoing process.

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7 Strategies for effective investors communication
  1. Be transparent. ...
  2. Be consistent. ...
  3. Show your passion. ...
  4. Provide regular updates. ...
  5. Listen to feedback. ...
  6. Use data to back up your claims. ...
  7. Have a concise pitch.
Mar 27, 2023

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5 Top Tips to Prepare for an Investor Meeting
  1. Know Your Investor. ...
  2. Craft a Powerful Pitch for Upcoming Events. ...
  3. Compile Essential Financial Documents. ...
  4. Showcase Your Value Proposition. ...
  5. Prove Business Scalability and Growth Potential in Presentations Events.
Jan 31, 2024

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.