April Kepner Rash (2025)

1. Walking Tall | Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki - Fandom

  • 1 okt 2015 · April had a rash on her back that Arizona discovered. She was put in isolation while they tested her for possible causes. She tested negative ...

  • Walking Tall is the second episode of the twelfth season and the 247th overall episode of Grey's Anatomy. The pressure is on as a determined Bailey tackles her first day as Chief. Meanwhile, April's marriage is in jeopardy and she finds herself unable to address her problems. Meredith struggles to juggle all her responsibilities and Amelia works to define her relationship with Owen. In the anatomy class, Meredith is teaching the interns about the pituitary gland, the master of the body. Bailey i

Walking Tall | Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki - Fandom

2. Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 2 Sneak Peek: "Walking Tall" - ABC

  • 28 sep 2015 · She puts April in isolation until the other doctors can identify the rash. April is agitated. Her relationship with Jackson is in trouble ...

  • Get a sneak peek of the Grey's Anatomy Season 12 episode, "Walking Tall," airing THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 at 8|7c!

Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 2 Sneak Peek:

3. Grey's Anatomy Recap: Party Pooper - TVLine

  • 1 okt 2015 · CAPTIVE AUDIENCE | Meanwhile, after Arizona heard April's hacking cough and caught a glimpse of the gnarly rash on her back, Bailey put Kepner ...

  • Oh, Bailey! The song doesn’t go, “It’s my party, and I’ll leave without realizing there was even a party!” Yet that was exactly what Grey Sloan’s new chief of surgery did in this week’s Grey’s Anatomy. Was it the start of a new “Nazi regime”? Read on, then we’ll discuss. TURNING OVER A NEW CHIEF | […]

Grey's Anatomy Recap: Party Pooper - TVLine

4. 'Grey's Anatomy' April Contagious As Patient Zero? [Spoilers] - Inquisitr

  • 30 sep 2015 · The International Business Times is reporting that the doctors are suspicious that April Kepner has contracted MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory ...

  • So much for light and sunshine on the new season of Grey’s Anatomy. Dr. April Kepner just returned from overseas humanitarian work to attend to her crumbling marriage when it is discovered she might be harboring a deadly disease, and that’s just for starters. It’s not common that Shonda Rhimes makes one of her doctors […]

5. Everything I Try to Do, Nothing Seems to Turn Out Right

Everything I Try to Do, Nothing Seems to Turn Out Right

6. Grey's Anatomy recap: Walking Tall - Entertainment Weekly

  • 2 okt 2015 · Tomorrow I will be better.” NEXT: April and Jackson finally talk. This speech, like most Grey's speeches, is ...

  • Bailey's first day as chief isn't as perfect as she hoped.

Grey's Anatomy recap: Walking Tall - Entertainment Weekly

7. Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 2 "Walking Tall" Sneak Peek - ABC

  • 30 sep 2015 · Arizona notices a mysterious rash on April's back, and since she's ... Jo Wilson · Stephanie Edwards · Richard Webber · April Kepner. Related ...

  • Get a sneak peek of the Grey's Anatomy Season 12 episode, "Walking Tall," airing THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 at 8|7c!

Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Episode 2

8. 'Grey's Anatomy' season 12 news, cast, spoilers: April's Mysterious ...

  • 30 sep 2015 · The scene then jumps to Kepner being placed in an isolation bubble to contain whatever unknown disease she might have. Kepner continues to ...

  • April will be in quarantine due to a mysterious new disease How will Bailey take on this new challenge

9. 'Grey's Anatomy' Season 12, Episode 2 Spoilers: Miranda Is the New ...

  • 29 sep 2015 · ABC also posted a sneak peek of Episode 2 that shows Kepner with a mysterious rash on her back upon returning from the Middle East. The rash ...

  • Bailey's tough attitude as Chief of Surgery will have the surgeons of Grey Sloan Memorial hospital shaking in their scrubs on Thursday's episode.

10. what was april kepner's rash | Discover - Kwai

  • Pipocando série A.M. Greys anatomy Declaração de amor no casamento da Aprill kepner #SERIE #pipocandosérieAM #seriemedica #casamento #DeclaracaoDeAmor.

  • Momentos da April Kepner que alteraram a química do meu cérebro. Quando ela fez história no treinamento de trauma do hospital. Quando ela ficou de frente com o atirad0r e implorou pela vida. Quando ela foi a única a não ser aprovada na prova de residência. Quando ela voltou para a fazenda depois de não ser ser aprovada na prova de Owen foi até lá para leva-la de volta. Quando chegou uma criança no hospital que veio de outro pais e estava 3 dias sem comer porque não gostou da comida americana e ela fez um mingau típico do país da menina para que ela não ficasse com fome. Quando ela foi escolhida para ser residente chefe mesmo com todos menosprezando ela. Quando ela viu o onibus explodindo e achou que o Jackson estava dentro. Quando ela fugiu do casamento para ficar com o Jackson estava dentro. Did I tell you that it's a boy? We're having a boy.UHHHGREYSANATCMY IIx09. Quando ela descobriu que seu filho seria um menino logo após descobrir que ele tinha osteogenese imperfeita. Quando ela precisou induzir o parto e viu seu filho nascer e morr3r. Quando ela ficou tão destruída após a mort3 do Samuel que ela só conseguia ficar em choque. Quando ela precisou ir para guerra e deixar toda a sua vida para trás para poder se curar. Quando ela fez literalmente de tudo para salvar um paciente. Quando ela assinou os papéis do divórcio. Quando ela engravidou de novo e sentiu seu bébê chutar pela primeira vez e isso foi incrível porque seu outro filho não podia fazer isso. Quando ela entrou e...

what was april kepner's rash | Discover - Kwai

11. 'Grey's Anatomy' Season 12 Spoilers: Episode 2 Sneak Peek Video ...

  • 29 sep 2015 · On your back?” Arizona screams as she reaches for a surgical mask to protect herself from whatever disease April may be carrying. ... “Kepner, you ...

  • April and Jackson's relationship problems will be put on the side when the doctor discovers a new, pressing medical issue during Season 12, episode 2 of "Grey's Anatomy."

'Grey's Anatomy' Season 12 Spoilers: Episode 2 Sneak Peek Video ...

12. Grey's Anatomy Recap: April Files a Restraining Order Against Jackson

  • 7 apr 2016 · Grey's Anatomy Recap: April Makes a Game-Changing Rash Decision. The ... If this is the Avery and Kepner war has commenced and this is the first ...

  • The gloves are off between April and Jackson as she pre-empts his mother's plan to sue her with a restraining order.

Grey's Anatomy Recap: April Files a Restraining Order Against Jackson

13. what rash does april kepner have & april kepner ra - Kwai

  • April Kepner suffered a serious accident! She is hypothermic and unresponsive, with no pulse or signs of life. The team is trying to save her, ...

  • MEG MARINIS. April Kepner sofre um grave acidente de carro!CO-EXECUTIVE PRODUCER ELISABETH R. FINCHparte 1April Kepner sofre um grave acidente de carro!parte 1.

what rash does april kepner have & april kepner ra - Kwai

14. Rash GIFs - Tenor

  • With Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular Rash animated GIFs to your conversations. Share the best GIFs now > ... #April-Kepner · #Greys-Anatomy · #mad · a ...

  • Click to view the GIF

Rash GIFs - Tenor

15. Grey's Anatomy recap: Season 14, Episode 17 - Entertainment Weekly

  • 29 mrt 2018 · Rabbi Eli is in the burn unit when April has to deliver the news that he has toxic epidermal necrolysis, or TEN, a disorder caused by the ...

  • April's crisis of faith comes to a devastating head as Meredith and Owen take chances in love.

Grey's Anatomy recap: Season 14, Episode 17 - Entertainment Weekly

16. Hives GIFs - Tenor

  • #Rash · a woman covering her face with her hands and the words ... #Scracth · a woman is making a funny face while saying `` i feel like my skin · #April-Kepner ...

  • Click to view the GIF

Hives GIFs - Tenor

17. 'Grey's Anatomy': Jackson and April's Complete Relationship Timeline

  • 26 mei 2022 · Jesse Williams and Sarah Drew return to "Grey's Anatomy" on Thursday, May 26. Their characters, April Kepner and Jackson Avery, ...

  • We're reliving the biggest moments in Jackson and April's relationship before they return to "Grey's Anatomy" for the 400th episode.

'Grey's Anatomy': Jackson and April's Complete Relationship Timeline
April Kepner Rash (2025)


What rash did April have? ›

It's likely contact dermatitis. April already suspected that. Jackson says he's sorry if he hurt her. April says they have be honest with each other, and she's glad he was honest with her.

What is April's problem in Season 14? ›

Her old fiancé's wife turns up in labor in the ER and passes away tragically after delivering a girl. Then, a 12-year-old dies after being subjected to racism and police brutality. The episode sees April traumatized as she feels disillusioned by her faith and trust in God.

Is April Kepner's hair really red? ›

In the interview, she explains she was actually born with brown hair and was a brunette for the first 28 years of her life. When she landed the role of April Kepner, the show opted for her to go red for filming.

How did Kepner get hurt? ›

April Kepner (Sarah Drew) pulled through. After Matthew Taylor (Justin Bruening) -- a Grey Sloan paramedic, and April's ex-fiance -- ended up in the emergency room after a car accident, he warned the doctors that April had been in the car with him.

What is pityriasis rosea rash? ›

Pityriasis rosea is a mild, but common, skin condition. Characterized by scaly, pink, inflamed skin, the condition can last from 1 to 3 months and usually leaves no lasting marks.

What happened to April Kepner season 17? ›

In season 17, it is revealed that April has separated from Matthew. When Jackson decides to resign from the hospital and take over the Catherine Fox Foundation, April decides to go with him and Harriet, and the three of them depart Seattle for Boston.

Why does Kepner leave in season 14? ›

While many of Grey's Anatomy's stars left the show of their own volition, that wasn't the case for Drew. She was asked to leave Grey's Anatomy due to creative reasons at the end of season 14, according to a statement by showrunner Krista Vernoff.

Why is April so sad in season 14? ›

She Feels Lost In Season 14

She had always been religious, and after going through so much heartache, she wonders if she can trust her faith. It's also difficult for April to get divorced, as she didn't expect to, and it takes a while for her to be okay with that.

Is April Kepner a Mormon? ›

April Kepner has a strong born-again Christian faith. Many of her decisions stemmed from her Christian faith, including wanting to withhold sex until she was married, which she ultimately failed to do and instead she lost her virginity to Jackson before they got married in season 10.

What is April Kepner's baby diagnosed with? ›

While she was pregnant, April had a routine ultrasound, which revealed signs of osteogenesis imperfecta, so she was given further testing, which revealed that her baby had type II osteogenesis imperfecta, the most severe type.

Who was April Kepner's first husband? ›

She is a trauma surgeon. She is married to Jackson Avery with whom she had a son, Samuel, who died shortly after his birth. She later gave birth to her daughter, Harriet Kepner-Avery. She reconciled with her ex-fiance, Matthew Taylor.

What happened to Arizona Robbins? ›

At the end of the Season 8, Robbins is hurt badly in a plane crash, resulting in her left leg being amputated. In the aftermath of the plane accident, in which Sloan and Lexie Grey were killed, the hospital is sued and eventually found liable for negligence.

Who does Meredith Gray end up with? ›

Eventually, Derek and Meredith decide to marry, but on their wedding day, the pair give their "perfect" wedding ceremony to Izzie and Alex, to marry each other during the planned ceremony instead. Meredith and Derek instead marry by writing their wedding vows on a post-it note.

Why was April Kepner fired from GREY's anatomy? ›

April Kepner made her series debut in Season 6, Episode 5, "Invasion" as a Mercy West resident who joined Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital after the merger between the two hospitals. April was quickly fired after failing to check in a patient's airway after a fire and that mistake led to the patient's death.

Did Kepner have an infectious disease? ›

As revealed in the sneak peek above, Kepner returned from the Army with a potential infectious disease, landing her in the quarantine bubble.

What is April Kepner's crisis of faith? ›

In seasons 13 and 14, April faces a crisis of faith as she believes that good people get punished and bad people get good things. She does this after treating 3 seemingly simple patients who are good people and die, including Matthew's pregnant wife, after delivery. Robbins then tells April it's her fault.

Where did this random rash come from? ›

Because rashes can be caused by many different things—bacteria, viruses, drugs, allergies, genetic disorders, and even light—it's important to figure out what kind of dermatitis you have. “If you have any significant rash, you should see a dermatologist,” says Katz.

Did April have appendicitis? ›

After a bout of appendicitis, she had to get her appendix removed. She went through a Deenie stage, in which she decided to wear a back brace. Her uncle (Anna's brother) is a scientist who helped April with her science fair project.

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.